
导读:以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《关于世界杯的英语作文带翻译:足球迷》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。  Mr Li is a good friend of mine He is a PE teacher He l

以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《关于世界杯的英语作文带翻译:足球迷》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。

 Mr Li is a good friend of mine He is a PE teacher He likes football very much He will watch whenever there is a football match on TV, even at midnight At school he plays football every day On holidays he plays it on the playground near his house Last week he went to Korea to watch the World Cup football Match He won't come back until the match is over


 Mr Li, my good friend, likes football very much He watches every football match on TV He plays football everywhere so long as it is po ible Last week he went to Korea to watch the World Cup Football Match He won't come back until the match is over He once made up his mind to train his students to play ball and made them to be good football players In the future,his students will play football for our country


以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《关于世界杯的英语作文翻译》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。

The World Cup (soccer), two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international competition in the sport The men’s World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament The women’s World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women’s sporting event Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament









  亿万球迷翘首企盼,第19届世界杯足球赛正如火如荼在南非举行,这场人类盛宴瞬间点燃了无数球迷歇斯底里的热情、 *** 和呐喊。超有非洲特色、超有原生态的开幕式,让我们领略了非洲大陆的神秘、彩虹之国的唯美和心弛向往的原生自然生态。非洲人民对足球的狂热追求没得说,130分贝的vuvuzela(窝窝祖拉)吵得我这个伪球迷每晚上熬夜看足球都不得安宁。这次世界杯足球赛让世人遗憾并为之伤心动容的是在开幕式前的晚上,南非人民最为爱戴的前南非总统纳尔逊曼德拉重孙女不幸遭遇车祸身亡,年仅13岁。所谓白发人送黑发人,一生历经坎坷的曼德拉老人难以抑制失去亲人的痛苦,他未能按先前所言出席世界杯的开幕式,这多少让本届世界杯多了一丝哀伤。

  从1994年之一次认识世界杯足球赛以来,这是我之一次执着熬夜连看三晚上的足球比赛,三天熬下来,身心疲惫,两眼都是熊猫眼、整个人头重脚轻、走路打趔趄。我不是夜猫子,和我那淘气、昼伏夜出的猫妹相比,我一般都是做些阳光下见得人的事。尽管接连三晚熬夜看足球,每天晚上只睡2个多小时的觉,我还是坚持我早起的优良作风。有时,我也想多躺在床上睡会懒觉,可窗外耀眼的明媚阳光和惦记着 *** 农场的菜菜我没法安心入睡,只有硬着头皮起床干点偷鸡摸狗的事。端午节这三天假期,我都是晚上熬夜看球,早上6点多起床偷菜菜,接着整理思绪写日志,然后出门买菜准备午饭。我这人没事业心,典型的宅男,凡是老婆不愿意做的事都是我抗着走,我想办公室那些80年后的年轻妹妹们把我当着其崇拜呕像就因为我是一位极品的宅男。中午吃 *** 后我碗都来不及刷立马上床补瞌睡,补了两个小时瞌睡后我才会慢腾腾地起床把锅碗瓢盆洗了,等着做晚餐,等着新的一天足球比赛到来。


  除了不断地喝浓茶打起精神,我还故意把电视声音开大点,整个房间都充斥着比赛的浓烈气氛。看足球比赛,不要指望刘建宏、段喧等足球解说员能给你熬夜看足球带来 *** ,他们平淡的解说只会让你早早地入睡。这次我能坚持三天每晚熬夜守完三场足球赛,我想这全是非洲人吹的130分贝的vuvuzela吵得我无法入睡有关。听说本届世界杯足球比赛每场进球为什么比较少,也是因为这vuvuzela吵得球员无心射门。通过南非世界杯足球赛,全世界球迷都领略到了非洲本土球迷手中小喇叭----vuvuzela的厉害,虽然部分球迷觉得大家有理由尊重当地球迷的这种助威方式,但这种能发出苍蝇般嗡嗡响声的塑料小号,还是让电视转播商、电视观众和非南非的场上球员感到心烦意乱。我们听听参加本届世界杯足球赛、一名不愿意透露姓名的大牌球星是怎么说的:“vuvuzela就像一架飞机在头顶上轰鸣一般,搅得心烦。我们曾想往耳朵里塞棉花上场,但又怕听不见队友的口令。”“大家看到啦?这个vuvuzela没事就长篇大论、婆婆妈妈、叽叽歪歪,就好象整天有一只苍蝇,嗡……对不起,不是一只,是一堆苍蝇围着你呀,嗡…嗡…嗡…嗡…飞到你的耳朵里面。救命啊!救命啊!所以呢我就抓住苍蝇挤破它的肚皮把它的肠子扯出来再用它的肠子勒住它的脖子用力一拉,呵----!整条舌头都伸出来啦!我再手起刀落,哗----!整个世界清净了。现在大家明白,为什么,我要杀他!”。我要感谢国内一些见钱开巧的厂商,加办加点生产并连夜连晚把vuvuzela贩卖到南非,如果赛场上没有这些嗡嗡叫的vuvuzela,也许我们很多伪球迷根本不可能熬夜把凌晨2点半到4点半的足球比赛看完。

  通过本届世界杯足球赛,我也进一步熟悉央视一帮幽默的主持人和串门客。每天晚上不到7点我就守侯在电视前,听张斌、陶伟和张路对每场足球比赛进行的叽叽歪歪瞎掰,为什么要给这些足球专业解说人士戴个瞎掰的帽子,因为他们预测每场比赛的比分都不怎么准。这在我N多年前买足球**,看央视的足球财经节目就领教过张路和陶伟的瞎掰功夫,让我白花花的银票都打了水漂。虽然瞎掰,但听他们对足球分析很有意思,让我从他们嘴中知道了很多球员的花边新闻。晚上12点的时候,我会继续看央视的豪门盛宴,这次我的看点是瞄向两位佳宾:韩乔生和颜强。知道韩乔生不?央视曾经的大宛足球解说员,有著名的韩乔生语录,为了让大家回忆起韩乔生,不防找两句其语录让大家见识这位曾经资深的评论员。“各位观众,中秋节刚过,我给大家拜个晚年”,“国外的球员都非常敬业,比如马特乌斯,小孩出生3个月后就上场比赛了。” “队员在平时的训练中一定要加强体能和对抗性训练,这样才能适应比赛中的激烈程度,否则的话,就会像不倒翁一样一撞就倒”“(德甲)现在场上火药味很浓,两队队员在场上你争我抢,两队的教练也在场下争风吃醋。”嘿嘿,韩乔生曾经的语录够雷人的吧,不过这次他在央视演播厅大吃大喝时没有说出曾经雷倒一片人的话,而是用调侃的语气戏说足球。颜强是《体坛周报》的评论员,张开嘴巴就能蹦出“语不惊死不休”的评论,这次我是之一次知道中国有颜强这样一位资深的足球评论员,看来泱泱大国的确是个藏龙卧虎的地方。


World Cup (soccer), two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international competition in the sport

The men’s World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament

The women’s World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women’s sporting event Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament


Dear leader,

It is universally acknowledge that the 2010 World Cup in South Africa is going to be held on JuneI have the honour of hearing the information that the organizing committee want to advertise for a compulsory propagandistI am LiHua,who is,from childhood, interested in footballI have done well in spoken English all the time and have the outstanding ability of translation I am proud of telling you that I has an edge, thanks to his talent,over the other compe *** s in Shandong Spoken English Contest I want to give myself a chance to undertake the great obligation so that I made myself worthy to the

great enthusia *** of footballI have a presumptuous request that I wonder if you can allow me encourage my clas *** ates to join in the activity through convening the class meetingI believe my ability and please you believe my abilityI go all out to do it if you give a chance

I am looking looking forward to your reply

Li Hua

2010 FIFA World Cup

The 2010 FIFA World Cup was the 19th FIFA World Cup, the world championship for men's national association football teams It took place in South Africa from 11 June to 11 July 2010 The bidding process for hosting the tournament finals was open only to African nations; in 2004, the international football federation, FIFA, selected South Africa over Egypt and Morocco to become the first African nation to host the finals

The matches were played in ten stadiums in nine host cities around the country, with the final played at the Soccer City stadium in South Africa's largest city, Johanne *** urg Thirty-two teams were selected for participation via a worldwide qualification tournament that began in August 2007 In the first round of the tournament finals, the teams competed in round-robin groups of four teams for points, with the top two teams in each group proceeding These sixteen teams advanced to the knockout stage, where three rounds of play decided which teams would participate in the final

In the final, Spain, the European champions, defeated third-time finalists the Netherlands 1–0 after extra time, with Andrés Iniesta's goal in the 116th minute giving Spain their first world title, the first time that a European nation has won the tournament outside its home continent Host nation South Africa, 2006 world champions Italy and 2006 runners-up France were eliminated in the first round of the tournament

Host selection

Africa was chosen as the host for the 2010 World Cup as part of a short-lived policy, abandoned in 2007,to rotate the event among football confederations Five African nations placed bids to host the 2010 World Cup: Egypt, Morocco, South Africa and a joint bid from Libya and Tunisia

Following the decision of the FIFA Executive Committee not to allow co-hosted tournaments, Tunisia withdrew from the bidding process The committee also decided not to consider Libya's solo bid as it no longer met all the stipulations laid down in the official List of Requirements

The winning bid was announced by FIFA president Sepp Blatter at a media conference on 15 May 2004 in Zürich; in the first round of voting South Africa received 14 votes, Morocco received 10 votes and Egypt no votes South Africa, which had narrowly failed to win the right to host the 2006 event, was thus awarded the right to host the tournament

During 2006 and 2007, rumours circulated in various news sources that the 2010 World Cup could be moved to another countryFranz Beckenbauer, Horst R Schmidt and, reportedly, some FIFA executives, expressed concern over the planning, organisation, and pace of South Africa's preparationsFIFA officials repeatedly expressed their confidence in South Africa as host, stating that a contingency plan existed only to cover natural catastrophes, as had been in place at previous FIFA World Cups


The qualification draw for the 2010 World Cup was held in Durban on 25 November 2007 As the host nation, South Africa qualified automatically for the tournament As happened in the previous tournament, the defending champions were not given an automatic berth, and Italy had to participate in qualification With a pool of entrants comprising 204 of the 208 FIFA national teams at the time, the 2010 World Cup shares with the 2008 Summer Olympics the record for most competing nations in a sporting event

Wikinews has related news: Ireland requests replay of FIFA World Cup play-off with France

Wikinews has related news: FIFA to make changes after Thierry Henry handball

Some controversies took place during the qualifications In the second leg of the play-off between France and the Republic of Ireland, French captain Thierry Henry, unseen by the referee, handled the ball in the lead up to a late goal, which enabled France to qualify ahead of Ireland, sparking widespread controversy and debate FIFA rejected a request from the Football Association of Ireland to replay the match,and Ireland later withdrew a request to be included as an unprecedented 33rd World Cup entrantAs a result, FIFA announced a review into the use of technology or extra officials at the highest level, but decided against the widely expected fast-tracking of goal-line referee's assistants for the South African tournament

Costa Rica complained over Uruguay's winning goal in the CONMEBOL–CONCACAF playoff,while Egypt and Algeria's November 2009 matches were surrounded by reports of crowd trouble On the subject of fair play, FIFA President Sepp Blatter said:

I appeal to all the players and coaches to observe this fair play In 2010 we want to prove that football is more than just kicking a ball but has social and cultural value So we ask the players 'please observe fair play' so they will be an example to the rest of the world

Prize money

The total prize money on offer for the tournament was confirmed by FIFA as $420 million (including payments of $40m to domestic clubs), a 60 percent increase on the 2006 tournamentBefore the tournament, each of the 32 entrants receive $1 million for preparation costs Once at the tournament, the prize money would be distributed as follows:

$8 million – To each team exiting after the group stage (16 teams)

$9 million – To each team exiting after the round of 16 (8 teams)

$14 million – To each team exiting after the quarter-finals (4 teams)

$18 million – Fourth placed team

$20 million – Third placed team

$24 million – Runner up

$30 million – Winner

In a first for the World Cup, FIFA made payments to the domestic clubs of the players representing their national teams at the tournament This saw a total of $40 million paid to domestic clubs This was the result of an agreement reached in 2008 between FIFA and European clubs to di *** and the G-14 group and drop their claims for compensation dating back to 2005 over the financial cost of injuries sustained to their players while on international duty, such as that from Belgian club Charleroi SC for injury to Morocco's Abdelmajid Oulmers in a friendly game in 2004, and from English club Newcastle United for an injury to England's Michael Owen in the 2006 World Cup

Final draw

The FIFA Organising Committee approved the procedure for the final draw on 2 December 2009 The seeding was based on the October 2009 FIFA World Ranking and seven squads joined hosts South Africa as seeded teams for the final draw No two teams from the same confederation were to be drawn in the same group, except allowing a maximum of two European teams in a group

Pot 1 (Seeds: host & top seven):

South Africa, Brazil, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Argentina, England

Pot 2 (Asia, North/Central America and Caribbean & Oceania):

Australia, Japan, Korea DPR, Korea Republic, Honduras, Mexico, United States, New Zealand

Pot 3 (Africa & South America):

Algeria, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay

Pot 4 (Europe):

Denmark, France, Greece, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland

The group draw was staged in Cape Town, South Africa, on 4 December 2009 at the Cape Town International Convention CentreThe ceremony was presented by South African actress Charlize Theron, assisted by FIFA Secretary General Jérôme ValckeThe balls were drawn by English football star David Beckham and African sporting figures Haile Gebrselassie, John Smit, Makhaya Ntini, Matthew Booth and Simphiwe Dludlu

以下是 考 网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《关于举行世界杯的英语作文带翻译》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。

The 2014 World Cup will be hold in It is a grand occasion for all the football fans all over the worldMy favorite team is the Spainish TeamAnd my favorite football star is Didier Yves Drogba TébilyI hope the Chinese Team can do well in the World CupBecause China has never won a World Cup beforeThis year I hope the situation will change

When the match begins,I hope I can watch itBut if I am busy studying then I will not watch itBecause study is always the first priorityI wish one day China can hold a World Cup,then our Chinese can watch the matches without going abroad

Maybe one day my dream can come true





The 2010 FIFA World Cup will be the 19th FIFA World Cup, an international tournament for football, that is scheduled to take place between 11 June and 11 July 2010 in South Africa It will be the first time that the tournament has been hosted by a nation in the Confederation of African Football, leaving the Oceania Football Confederation as the only FIFA Confederation never to have hosted the event

Host selection(申办)

Africa was chosen as the host for the 2010 World Cup as part of a new policy to rotate the event between football confederations (This policy was later revoked in October of 2007) Five African nations placed bids to host the 2010 World Cup:

Flag of Egypt Egypt

Flag of Libya Libya / Flag of Tunisia Tunisia (co-hosting)

Flag of Morocco Morocco

Flag of South Africa South Africa

Following the decision of the FIFA Executive Committee not to allow co-hosted tournaments, Tunisia withdrew from the bidding process The committee also decided not to consider Libya's solo bid as it no longer met all the stipulations laid down in the official List of Requirements

After one round of voting, the winning bid was announced by FIFA president Sepp Blatter at a media conference on May 15, 2004 in Zurich South Africa was awarded the rights to host the tournament, defeating Morocco and Egypt[1]


1 Flag of South Africa South Africa, 14 votes

2 Flag of Morocco Morocco, 10 votes

3 Flag of Egypt Egypt, 0 votes

Flag of Tunisia Tunisia withdrew on May 8, 2004 after joint bidding was not allowed

Flag of Libya Libya was rejected: bid did not meet the list of requirements and joint bidding was not allowed


As the host nation, South Africa qualifies automatically However, South Africa are the first hosts since 1934 to participate in World Cup qualifiers This is because the CAF qualifiers will also serve as the qualifying tournament for the 2010 African Cup of Nations, for which South Africa must qualify separately Since 2002 the defending champions no longer qualify automatically

The preliminary draw for the 2010 World Cup was held in Durban, South Africa on 25 November 2007


In 2005, the organizers released a provisional list of thirteen venues to be used for the World Cup: Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, Johanne *** urg (two), Kimberley, Nelspruit, Orkney, Polokwane, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria (two), and Rustenburg

History of the FIFA World Cup(历史)

No other sporting event captures the world's imagination like the FIFA World Cup Ever since the first tentative competition in Uruguay in 1930, FIFA's (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) flagship has constantly grown in popularity and prestige

A group of visionary French football administrators, led in the 1920s by the innovative Jules Rimet, are credited with the original idea of bringing the world's strongest national football teams together to compete for the title of World Champions The original gold trophy bore Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition

When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup rapidly advanced to its undisputed status as the greatest single sporting event of the modern world Held since 1958 alternately in Europe and the Americas, the World Cup broke new ground with the Executive Committee's decision in May 1996 to select Korea and Japan as co-hosts for the 2002 edition

Since 1930, the 19 tournaments have seen only seven different winners However, the FIFA World Cup has also been punctuated by dramatic upsets that have helped create footballing history - the United States defeating England in 1950, North Korea's defeat of Italy in 1966, Cameroon's emergence in the 1980s and their opening match defeat of the Argentinean cup-holders in 1990


Five new stadiums are to be built for the tournament (three match venues and two practice grounds), and five of the existing venues are to be upgraded Construction costs are expected to be R84bn

In addition to the stadiums being built and upgraded, South Africa is also planning to improve its current public transport infrastructure, and implement special measures to ensure the safety and security of local and international tourists attending the matches in accordance with standard FIFA requirements

Rumours of tournament being moved

Rumours have circulated in various news sources that the 2010 World Cup could be moved to another country[6][7] Some people, including Franz Beckenbauer, Horst R Schmidt and, reportedly, some FIFA executives, have expressed concern over the planning, organisation, and pace of South Africa’s preparations[8][6] However, FIFA officials have repeatedly expressed their confidence in South Africa as host, and have stated that the event will not be moved, with FIFA president Sepp Blatter re-iterating that "Plan A Plan B Plan C is that the 2010 World Cup will be staged in South Africa"[9][10] Mr Blatter has stated that there is a contingency plan to hold the World Cup elsewhere but only in the event of a natural catastrophe, and that the 2006 World Cup in Germany also had a similar contingency plan[11][10]

Despite reassurances by FIFA that the event would only be moved in the case of natural catastrophe, rumours continue to circulate about possible relocation of the event[12] These rumours have been criticised by South Africa's Deputy Finance Minister Jabu Moleketi, saying that some have targeted the event to reflect their persistent negativity towards South Africa and Africa


Several non-governmental organisations and poor people's movements have expressed major concern about plans to regulate the prevalence of squatter camp shelters to improve the image of the World Cup venues Concerns are particularly acute in Durban where local politicians have promised to 'clear the slums by 2010'[14] It has also been argued that it is inappropriate to invest so much public money on stadia when much of the population lacks basic services and housing