
导读:冰雪运动的好处英语如下:1、Exercise skeletal musclesIn ice and snow sports, people can experience the change of speed and control of


1、Exercise skeletal musclesIn ice and snow sports, people can experience the change of speed and control of body posture, and exercise skeletal muscles comprehensively and harmoniously

2、Improve cardiopulmonary endurance

The ambient temperature of outdoor ice and snow sports is quite different from the indoor temperature Aerobic exercise in this low temperature and low pressure environment is conducive to improving cardiopulmonary endurance

3、It is good for mental health

The learning curve of ice and snow sports is relatively long In the process of their own growth, they will meet many friends who study together

The members of the group interact with each other in the movement and have good interpersonal communication, which strengthens the frequency and depth of interpersonal communication Having a good interpersonal relationship and the spirit of unity and cooperation also contributes to the healthy development of psychology





About Fencing (Olympic sport since 1896)

Take the romantic, swashbuckling epics of Errol Flynn, add some rules, protective clothing and an electronic scoring system, and you have fencing at the Olympic Games Two rivals stand opposite each other and feint, lunge, parry and riposte until one scores the required number of hits to win

Evolved from the ancient form of combat, fencing is one of only four sports that has been featured at every modern Olympic Games It was the first to include recognised professionals in a medals competition after modern Olympic Games founder Pierre de Coubertin arranged special events for professional fencing "masters" in the original 1896 and 1900 competitions

The clothing has become so protective, though, that officials modified masks a few years ago to return a "human face" to the event Fine, but for intense reality, the 1924 team foil competition still wins: After the Olympic Games, an Italian and a Hungarian settled a scoring controversy with a real duel


游泳 swimming 短池 short course 马拉松游泳 marathon swimming

泳姿 swimming stroke 自由泳 free style 仰泳 backstroke

蛙泳 breaststroke 蝶泳 butterfly 个人混合泳 individual medley

接力 relay 混合泳接力 medley relay 蹼泳 fin swimming

游泳选手 swimmer 分组预赛 heat 抢跳 beat the gun

触壁 touch 转身 turn 划水 stroke

(腿部)打水 kick 呼吸 breathe 准备活动 warm-up

游泳池 pool 泳道 lane 出发台 starting block

泳衣 swimsuit 游泳帽 swim cap 护目镜 swim goggle


跳水运动 diving 跳水 dive 跳板 springboard

跳台 platform 跳板跳水 springboard diving 跳台跳水 platform diving

双人跳水 synchronized diving 跳水运动员 diver 规定动作 compulsory

自选动作 optional 难度系数 degree of difficulty 向前跳水 forward dive

向后跳水 backward dive 反身跳水 reverse dive 向内跳水 inward dive

转体跳水 twist dive 臂立跳水 armstand dive 起跳 takeoff

腾空 flight 直体 straight 屈体 pike

抱膝 tuck 翻腾 somersault 转体 twist


花样游泳 synchronized swimming 单人项目 solo event 双人项目 duet event

集体项目 team event 规定动作 figures 技术自选 technical routine

自由自选 free routine 技术分数 technical merit 艺术印象分 artistic impression

岸上动作 deck movement


水球运动 water polo 后卫 back 前锋 forward

边锋 corner man 中锋 center forward 裁判 referee

节 quarter 踢球 kick the ball 任意球 free throw

直接任意球 direct free throw 球门球 goal throw 角球 corner throw

持球游泳 walking the ball

艺术体操Rhythmic Gymnastics 、体操Artistic Gymnastics、举重Weight lifting、射箭Archery 、射击Shooting 、柔道Judo、摔跤Wrestling 、拳击Boxing 、跆拳道Taekwondo 、棒球Baseball 、足球Football 、篮球Basketball、乒乓球Table tennis 、排球Volleyball、沙滩排球Beach Volleyball 、羽毛球Badminton 、垒球Softball、网球Tennis、手球Handball、曲棍球Hockey 、马术Equestrian 、铁人三项Triathlon、现代五项Modern Pentathlon 、击剑Fencing 、蹦床Trampoline 、田径Athletics 、自行车Cycling、帆船Sailing、皮划艇激流回旋Canoe Kayak-Slalom 、赛艇Rowing



Swimming 游泳

freestyle 自由泳

backstroke 仰泳

breaststroke 蛙泳

butterfly 蝶泳

individual medley 个人混合泳

freestyle relay 自由泳接力

medley relay 混合泳接力

Water polo 水球

Diving 跳水

10m platform event 十米跳台

3m springboard event 三米跳板

synchronised diving from 10 m platform 双人十米跳台

synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 双人三米跳板

Synchronised swimming 花样游泳 Archery(射箭)

Individual events 个人赛

Team events 团体赛 Athletics(田径)

Track 径赛

100 m, 200 m, 400 m 100米,200米,400米

800 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m 800米,1500米,5,000米,10,000米

110 m hurdles, 400 m hurdles 110米栏,400米栏

3,000 m steeplechase 3000米障碍赛

4 x 100 m relay, 4 x 400 m relay 4×100米接力,4×400米接力

Jumping 跳跃

high jump 跳高

pole vault 撑杆跳高

long jump 跳远

triple jump 三级跳远

Throwing 投掷

shot put 推铅球

discus 掷铁饼

hammer 掷链球

javelin 标枪

Decathlon 男子十项全能

Heptathlon 女子七项全能

Road events 公路赛

marathon 马拉松

walk 竞走 Ball Games(球类运动)

Badminton 羽毛球

men's singles 男子单打

men's doubles 男子双打

women's doubles 女子双打

mixed doubles 混合双打

Baseball 棒球

Basketball 篮球

Football 足球

Handball 手球

Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球

Softball 垒球

Table Tennis 乒乓球

Tennis 网球

Volleyball 排球

Beach Volleyball 沙滩排球 Cycling(自行车)

Road cycling 公路自行车赛

Track cycling 场地自行车赛

sprint 追逐赛

time trial 计时赛

points race 计分赛

pursuit 争先赛

Mountain bike 山地自行车赛 Equestrian(马术)

Jumping 障碍赛

Dressage 盛装舞步

Eventing 三日赛 Fencing(击剑)

Foil 花剑

Epee 重剑

Sabre 佩剑 Gymnastics(体操)

Artistic Gymnastics 竞技体操

Floor Exercises 自由体操

Pommel Horse 鞍马

Rings 吊环

Vault 跳马

Parallel Bars 双杠

Horizontal Bar 单杠

Uneven Bars 高低杠

Balance Beam 平衡木

Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操

Gymnastics Trampoline 蹦床 Modern Pentathlon(现代五项)

Shooting 射击

Fencing 击剑

Swimming 游泳

Riding 马术

Cross-country running 越野跑 Sailing(帆船)

Windsurfer men / women - Mistral one design 男子/女子帆板米氏级

Single-handed Dinghy Women - Europe 女子帆船欧洲级

Single-handed Dinghy men - Finn 男子帆船芬兰人级

Single-handed Dinghy open - Laser 激光级Double-handed Dinghy men / women - 470 男子/女子帆船470级预赛

Double-handed Dinghy open - 49er 49人级

Multihull open - Tornado 龙卷风级

Keelboat men - Star 男子星光级

Keelboat women - Yngling 女子索林级 Shooting(射击)

10 m air rifle 10米气步枪

10 m air pistol 10米气手枪

Men's 10 m running target 男子10米移动靶

Men's 50 m rifle prone position 男子50米步枪卧射

50 m rifle three positions 50米步枪3种姿势

Men's 50 m pistol 男子50米手枪

Women's 25 m pistol 女子25米手枪

Men's 25 m rapid fire pistol 男子25米手枪速射

Trap 多向飞碟

Double trap 双多向飞碟

Skeet 双向飞碟 Triathlon(铁人三项)

Swimming 游泳

Cycling 自行车

Running 跑步 Weightlifting(举重)

Snatch 抓举

Clean and jerk 挺举 Wrestling(摔跤)

greco-roman 古典式摔跤

free style 自由式摔跤 Rowing(赛艇) Boxing(拳击)

Canoeing(皮划艇) Judo(柔道) Taekwondo(跆拳道)


In accordance with General Assembly arrangements, I now skating ski areas in education and the work of the concert, three, the report is as follows At fault, please correct me

First, to unify their thinking, skiing and skating to music education of Party committees and governments put on the agenda

Daxinganling called "cold area", with the average temperature at minus 2-3 degrees Celsius, the lowest temperature reached 475 degrees Celsius below zero, ice period is about 150 days Cold climate, and to carry out "a million young people on the ice and snow activities" have provided favorable conditions In accordance with the requirements of ministries and agencies, a few years ago we carried out in primary and secondary schools in a wide range of extra-curricular activities on the snow, ice and snow, the region once a year Games Our These practices have been fully affirmed by leaders of ministries and agencies Particularly China Research Wangtiechun school sports such as four senior experts in the region to the "Alpine sports in primary and secondary school-based development and research project on" the guitar that, in my skating ski areas do spoke highly of the education, He said: "Greater Xing'an Mountains climate so cold, it can and prestigious universities in a single platform to carry out scientific research, the creation of so many snow courses, and this is a remarkable thing This shows that the leaders attach importance to the down-to-earth work, the spirit of innovation and application strong "Faced with the leader of affirmation and encouragement to experts, how my students in the district on the ice and snow activities to the next level, not only do we think about the education system, more resources, Administrative Office of the concerns of the major leaders In July 2004 the region held the leading party and government cadres, party secretary to conduct in Comrade clearly stated that it carried out in primary and secondary schools in the region skiing and skating musical education, create "snow base of the rural music" We put in the strategic objective is mainly based on the following four points to consider: First, to the health of young people Daxinganling winter long, cold climate, only increase the time and intensity of outdoor activities to enhance the physical fitness of students Secondly, it is conducive to raising the quality of primary and middle school students art In the music education, students can enhance the aesthetic ability, and character cultivation Third, it is conducive to improving the quality of forest Through to the vast numbers of students in skiing and skating musical education, and promote family and community members to participate in its activities, and to improve the quality of civilization Fourth, it is conducive to the development of touri *** By making "snow base of the fun and villages," can form ice unique culture, and promote the development of touri *** The prefectural main leadership of the speech, the education front in the region evoked a strong response, in order to carry out activities of ice and snow, we all look forward to the early arrival of winter After entering winter, party secretary to conduct in order to understand Comrade skiing and skating musical education in the situation, and personally listened to by the relevant departments and all primary and secondary school principals Jiagedaqi district reporting, and re-emphasized to the skiing and skating the significance of music education Shortly thereafter, the Administrative Office held a teleconference meeting to make arrangements for primary and secondary schools skiing and skating musical education Prefectural Party Committee and the Administrative Office of the leadership's determination to influence and lead all county-level party committees and governments (enterprise) action Counties Standing Committee of the Regional Council immediately convened an executive meeting of the Conference or the Government on the implementation of primary and secondary schools in skiing and skating musical education Jiagedaqi District explicitly proposed that the government should carry out in primary and secondary schools skiing and skating musical education, as a party committee before the end of one of the three major tasks, Cho Myong-nok, secretary of the regional party committee in charge of the party and government leadership led by the school to implement Amour party secretary Wang Tao FDA study in the field, leading many to call in charge of supervision and implementation of learning returned to school the next day inspection on the implementation Chung Ling principal leaders of the party and government district office to the scene to inspect the implementation of their schools Strengthening the Forestry Bureau, Wang Tian-hui personally with the relevant departments exploration terrain, ski selected sites XU Ming-wah, head of the new forest areas in the field During the inspection, deputy head in charge of receiving the request, immediately instructed the financial sector to education funding 1 million yuan for skiing and skating musical education Huma County, in the area called Poplar farming, and the company leadership had made a special trip to the Administrative Office of the Commissioner in charge of reporting to skiing and skating musical education In order to promote skiing and skating musical education, Administrative Office, at the end of 2004 and the convening of a regional primary and secondary schools Jiagedaqi skiing and skating musical education-site meetings, the participating comrades broader vision, and further defining the target Late last year, party secretary to conduct in learning back on the afternoon of that day, to lead the Prefectural Party Committee Propaganda Department, the regiment resources, in the style of leadership, and other relevant departments in the schools inspected, and to give full recognition to further mobilize the broad masses faculty enthusia *** Administrative Office of the Commissioner in charge of Comrade Zhou personally to Jiagedaqi Yuhuan, Chung Ling, Huma County, Han homes and Shibazhan FDA inspection skiing and skating musical education, the local authorities have been ineffective in a serious critici *** , and in the region have been briefed In order to make this down-to-earth activities can be carried out in-depth, prefectural and major leaders have Administrative Office in early 2005 economic work conference and the Teacher's Day celebration of the General Assembly, and so on, repeatedly stressed the need to carry out in primary and secondary schools skiing and skating musical education elevated to the party committees , the working level, as a strategic task, Yichi Yichi to focus on In order to mobilize the party committees and governments at all levels (enterprise), the Ministry of Education, schools, the majority of teachers and students and parents enthusia *** , and to ensure that ski skating musical education to carry out in-depth and sustained manner, the Administrative Office also formulated a nine incentive measures, are: Skiing and skating to the music education as areas of the county government (FDA) responsibility for education an important objective appraisal; skiing and skating to the music education into schools standardized acceptance criteria; in the annual Teacher's Day recognition of activities, selected 10 outstanding music and physical education teachers; skiing and skating to the music as a student sports and music as a compulsory subject, in the skating and skiing in the study of music students who show outstanding performance in the junior high school to increase when higher - care If this asses *** ent senior titles, we have three on the skiing and skating in the outstanding performance of music education in the art of teachers under a separate indicators of this year Jiagedaqi District Teacher's Day in recognition of the five "plus area gardeners" in the arts, two of the teachers These measures and methods have greatly inspired a music and physical education teacher's enthusia ***

Second, raise funds in various forms so as to skiing and skating musical education to provide material protection

I zone of skiing and skating musical education is the region covered all primary and secondary schools project Although over the years, our region has been carried out "a million young people on the ice and snow activities," but a limited number skating ski equipment, instruments wood is scarce To enable prompt start of this project, not to mention software and the requirement is only equipment, the venue of hardware investment is a relatively large number We have taken major initiatives, the first vote Administrative Office, and Dr HKMA in the television and telephone conference, gave 10 counties by the standards of hygiene are 50 yuan invested 24 million yuan to the schools directly under the student 100 yuan invested 384,000 yuan standards, teacher training colleges in the region allocated special funds for training 50,000 yuan In the region, fuelled by the county district funding priority to skiing and skating musical education Call the Central region is the most difficult, said head of education should tighten their belts for money, a one-time input 960,000 yuan Only 1,562 students Amour FDA input 700,000 yuan, the Health are 5547 yuan, in the region in the first place The school is crowded Jiagedaqi difficult financial district, 15 primary and secondary schools rely on themselves and take the initiative to find funding from more than 30 million yuan to purchase skates, skis and instrument material, the timely implementation of the skiing and skating musical education We directly under the Yucai Middle School and the experimental high school to find funds to nearly 100,000 yuan in the school built a ski resort for students on the ski courses Daxinganling middle just from the railway were transferred to the local schools, skiing and skating to the music entirely from the cost of education funding squeeze Them overcome their difficulties, 6 million yuan investment in the 2000 meters outside the school stadium locomotive built 400 meters circular runway solid skating rink, which could accommodate five classes of students at the same time, skating lessons,堪称the region the best quality, size 's largest skating rink The third is to help the community The unit took the initiative to help build skating rink repair schools, such as Shibazhan FDA initiatives such as a fire department and fire engines free of charge to schools poured skating rink, Chung Ling District to the water sector, such as water prices Huma County, more than 1,500 parents and students to purchase runners nozzles in the poverty-stricken county children can also timely snow on the course and the music She is four manufacturers Skating in the Greater Xing'an Mountains ski musical education and the news quickly spread to Harbin, Qiqihar, Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan, and other manufacturers They heard about this, work overtime and produce music of skates Funding more difficult Tahe County and Huma County, personally in charge of county She instrument manufacturers to build, resolved to meet the urgent needs of music education Qiqihar Heilonggang Group also sent to our region by more than 600 ex-factory sales of skates Up to now, all over the region for skiing and skating musical education funds totaling 1329 million yuan to purchase 13,788 runners, averaging 46 students a runners; skis 906 to Heiguan, saxophone, flute, trumpet concert consisting mainly of 8491 Runners which is equipped with the highest rates of Amour Forestry Bureau, the average per 21 students with a runners; concert with the highest rate of the Korean homeland Forestry Bureau, the average per student with a 36 concert The region has a skating rink school school, the district is simple ski field goal

Third, adopt extraordinary measures to promote strong skiing and skating musical education

Above the third grade in primary schools in skiing and skating musical education, for us, is a brand new topic Ski without foundation, the music had never been engaged in education, and a considerable portion is also seen on the television musical Faced with numerous difficulties, we meticulously organized, powerful advance First, the formulation of plans To the Administrative Office issued in the name of "primary and secondary schools in the Greater Xing'an Mountains of snow and ice activities and music education Five-Year Development Plan," developed in Education "in primary and secondary schools in the Greater Xing'an Mountains snow musical education activities and the implementation of views," according to the 100% Skating Union, 70 percent of the students skiing, the music education universal access (60 percent of the students to achieve the level of performance 2) the overall goal of the year made specific work objectives and incentives Council districts are the basis of regional arrangements, planning and implementation of development programmes to ensure that the skiing and skating musical education conducted in an orderly way The second is the preparation of teaching materials, identify lessons into teaching content To make skiing and skating musical education into the classroom, and two counties to prepare a large number of new school-based teaching, and in accordance with snow and the characteristics of music lessons, the lessons we have to adjust to ice and snow in winter physical education classes mainly, each section Course when snow and ice are two types of courses Music each semester for two-thirds of the total hours of music teaching, and teaching materials with the existing music content integration, the state is to ensure the completion of the task of teaching, so that students learn the basic skills of music At the same time provides a primary, a major two-year fight ice and snow activities, such as Ga In order to fully utilize resources skating rink and the resort in the winter vacation period, the schools have organized students on the ice class, and enriching the lives of students leave Third, the training of teachers My district snow, the music teacher shortage is the status quo, developed a teacher-training programmes Last winter, we will all be understood in only five of the music staff of teachers and social organizations, on all the music teachers in two phases of the initial intensive training Some teachers do not swollen mouth blown grievances, some with young children to learn, and the school still insist pregnant, the professionali *** of teachers moving On this basis, the new area, Mohe County, Tahe County, and strengthening the FDA, and other places Amour also employ experts to the Central Military Band teacher training This summer, the region also organized a music teacher for a period of eight days for the improvement of training Tahe County also organized sports teachers to the provincial snow base study to improve the teaching level Fourth, it is promoting the topic Skiing and skating in the musical education in the beginning, we dispatched six level cadres led by the inspectors group, the two in-depth county area, the region of 80 per cent of the schools the inspectors And the Regional Council called on counties and leaders in charge of each half of a report to the Administrative Office of the work carried out, the county district

2022年冬奥会要在北京举行。 英文翻译:The 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing

你喜欢冰雪运动吗 英文翻译:Do you like Ice Sports?

你最喜欢的运动是什么呢 英文翻译:What is your favorite sport


China successfully mobilized 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports by organizing the Winter Olympics。

Winter Olympic Games:

英/ˈwɪntə(r) əˈlɪmpɪk ɡeɪmz/。美/ˈwɪntər əˈlɪmpɪk ɡeɪmz/。


Study on the Possibility of Success that China Applies for Holding the Winter Olympic Games


The Feasibility of China Bidding the Winter Olympic Games and Meaning and Influence on the Social Development


Study on Development Trend and Pattern of Modern Winter Olympic Games


Discussion on Winter Olympic Games' Generation and Development


冰雪运动翻译的英文是Ice and snow sports。



据2020年5月5日中国知网显示,《冰雪运动》共出版文献5836篇,总被下载524966次、总被引32549次;(2019版)复合影响因子为3113、(2019版)综合影响因子为2969。 据2020年5月5日万方数据知识服务平台显示,《冰雪运动息》载文量为3103篇、基金论文量为636篇,被引量为25894次、下载量为48249次;2017年影响因子为21。


1、Snow falls in flakes


2、The following morning, the snow stopped and the clouds scattered


3、The thick snow slowed her progress


4、It is abnormal if snow falls in October here


5、In the high altitudes snow and ice remain all the year round


6、There was adequate rain and snow last winter


7、The boy snatched up a handful of snow and stuffed it in his friend's collar


8、We expect snow before morning


9、A trail of blood spotted the snow


10、Scraping the snow away, they found a car buried underneath!


英语冬奥会内容是Olympic Winter Games。冬季奥林匹克运动会(Olympic Winter Games)简称为冬季奥运会、冬奥会。主要由全世界地区举行,是世界规模更大的冬季综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,1994年起与夏季奥林匹克运动会相间举行。

参与国主要分布在世界各地,包括欧洲、非洲、美洲、亚洲、大洋洲。由国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)主办。按实际举行次数计算届数。




