
导读:The first Games were held at a place called Olympia in Greece over 3000 years ago The Games were ceremonies for the Gree

The first Games were held at a place called Olympia in Greece over 3000 years ago The Games were ceremonies for the Greek god Zeus Young men ran a race of about 184 meters-the length of a stadium-to see who would be crowned champion


The first recorded Olympic Games were held in 766 B C Although there was only one event-a running race-other events were added in later years Men competed in chariot racing, wrestling, boxing, horse- riding, and many kinds of running races In one race men had to run wearing a full suit of armor!


The ancient Olympic Games were held in Greece for over 1000 years But when the Romans conquered Greece the Games were banned, and battles between slaves and animals became a more popular competition Fifteen hundred years were to pass before the Olympics would be born again


The Modern Olympic Games 现代奥林匹克运动会

The modern Olympic Games were started by a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin During his travels around the world, he noticed that many people from many different countries liked sports So in 1894 he arranged a meeting of people from nine countries to discuss holding a sports competition for athletes from all around the world


Two years later the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, with 311 men competing At the next Olympic Games in 1900, 19 women joined the competition


In the century to follow, the Olympics traveled to many countries around the world, meeting many different cultures and people, facing new challenges, growing and evolving And now they have returned to Athens, the country of their birth


Do you remember the last Olympics in Athens


A Will you be here for the Olympics

A 你将在这里观看奥运会吗?

B Yes, I will I can't wait!

B 是的,我会。我都迫不及待了!

A Do you remember the last Olympics in Athens

A 你还记得上一界在雅典举行的奥运会吗?

B Certainly I do And I can remember the panic beforehand

B 我当然记得了。我还记得在奥运会召开前的紧张气氛。

A Yes, nothing was ready till the very last moment

A 是的,直到最后一刻才一切准备就绪。

B But it won't be like that in Beijing Everything will be ready on time

B 但是北京不会那样。一切都将按时齐备。


1 You can ask someone about a previous event, eg the last Olympics, by saying: Do you remember the last Olympics in Athens /Do you remember the last Olympics in Athens

你可以这样询问某人关于以前的事件的情况,例如上一界奥运会的情况,Do you remember the last Olympics in Athens /你还记得上一界在雅典举行的奥运会吗?

2 If something was finished very late, you can say: Nothing was ready till the very last moment / Nothing was ready till the very last moment

如果某事很迟才完成,你可以说:Nothing was ready till the very last moment /直到最后一刻才一切准备就绪。

3 You can make predictions, eg about the Beijing Olympics, by saying: It won't be like that in Beijing / It won't be like that in Beijing

你可以这样对北京奥运会等做出预测,It won't be like that in Beijing /北京不会那样的。

Key phrases and sentences

Will you be here for the Olympics

Yes, I will I can't wait!

Do you remember the last

Olympics in Athens

Certainly I do And I can remember

the panic beforehand

Yes, nothing was ready till the very

last moment

But it won't be like that in Beijing

Everything will be ready on time








1、2008北京奥运会是(29届)奥运会。 2、北京申办2008年奥运会的申办口号是(“新北京、新奥运”)(英文:New Beijing Great Olympics)。 3、中国奥委会现任主席是(袁伟民)。 4、北京2008年奥运会的理念是(绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运)。 5、奥林匹克运动的格言是(“更快、更高、更强”)。 6、2008吉祥物福娃的名字分别是(金鱼-贝贝,熊猫-晶晶,圣火-欢欢,藏羚羊-莹莹,雨燕-妮妮。) 7、北京奥运会开幕式将在(新建的主体育场--国家体育馆(鸟巢)举行)。 8、中国之一块奥运会金牌获得者是(许海峰)。 9、中国(女排)在第二十三届洛杉矶奥运会上夺得了中国三大球的之一个奥运会金牌,实现了三连冠。 10、2008北京奥运会的口号是(“同一个世界,同一个梦想”)。 11、规模更大的奥运会是1988年在(南朝鲜汉城)举办的第(24)届奥运会。是第(二)次在亚洲举办的奥运会。 12、2001年7月,赴莫斯科出席国际奥委会第112次全会的北京申奥代表团团长是(北京市市长刘淇)。 13、2008奥运会(2008年8月8日)开幕。 14、2008奥运会赛馆分别在:奥运京外比赛场馆青岛|香港|天津|上海|秦皇岛|沈阳青岛国际帆船中心[帆船] 上海体育场[足球预选赛] 秦皇岛奥林匹克体育场[足球预选赛] 香港奥运赛马场[马术比赛] 天津奥林匹克体育场[足球预选赛] 15、奥林匹克标志是(由个奥林匹克环套接组成,可以是单色,也可以是蓝、黄、黑、绿、红5种颜色。环从左到右互相套接,上面是蓝、黑、红环,下面是黄、绿环。整个造型为一个底部小的规则梯形。奥林匹克标志象征五大洲和全世界的运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。)。 16、2008残奥会的吉祥物是(福牛乐乐)。 17、1952年6月10日, *** 主席为新中国体育题词(发展体育运动,增强人民体质)。 18奥林匹克运动的发源地(奥林匹亚为奥林匹克运动的发祥地,位于希腊首都雅典)。 19、世界乒坛皇后是(邓亚萍)。 20、雅典奥运会是(刘翔)取得了110米跨栏的冠军。 21、奥林匹克的口号是(“重要的是参与,不是胜利”)。

He broke the record of the Olympic games and won the gold medal of The Athens Olympic Games in 2004